Sẵn sàng bắt đầu - Báo cáo cấu trúc - Nhóm 1

This report outlines how the funds committed to Start Ready by seven donors have been allocated across the countries and risks in Pool 1. This report will be followed by a report on Pool 1's performance in late 2023.

Following a number of years of investment in building disaster risk financing systems in various countries, bắt đầu sẵn sàng’s first pool went live in May 2022 with capital from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies, IKEA Foundation, Irish Aid, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the first quarter of 2022, the Bắt đầu Ủy ban quản trị sẵn sàng was formed and supported by a technical advisory unit the committee pre-positioned funds across a number of predictable risks worldwide.

Pool 1A refers to the first six months of this pool (May 1st - November 29th 2022). Halfway through the first pool, in November 2022, we received additional funds from existing donors as well as one new (Swiss Re Foundation) donor, which allowed us to add two further countries/risks to the pool. The second half of the pool is referred to as 1B in this report, and runs from November 30 - April 30.