“Fostering organisational culture is a journey and is a vital component in achieving our mission. The goal of developing a culture of integrity, risk awareness, and compliance means that these concepts are integrated into our ways of working. If we want this culture to be at the centre of everything we do, it must be ‘built-in’ not ‘bolted on.'" – Sabrina M. Segal, Head of Assurance, Start Network.

A culture of assurance

WE ARE ETHICAL: we behave and operate based on key principles of anti-racism, non-discrimination, and anti-colonialism. This is a work in progress.

Start Network Value: Integrity - Without integrity, we will not be able to achieve our goals, mission, and objectives. Integrity is a key element to establishing trust and trust is needed not only with donors but also with the communities and individuals our member organisations serve. Trust is core to our organisational culture, and it starts with ethics and integrity.

WE ARE BRAVE: we have great ambition and are willing to explore new things and take risks to achieve it.

Start Network Value: Risk Awareness - By moving away from check-list risk approaches and putting organisational objectives at the centre of the analysis we can better align risk identification and management with the goals and mission of an organisation. This approach to risk supports the integration of a risk-aware culture and risk integration into all aspects of Start Network's ways of working.

WE ARE OPEN: we work transparently and with integrity, building mutual trust in all levels of our work, from governance to programming.

Start Network Value: Compliance - Compliance is often the first thing people think of when you say ‘assurance’ but, in reality, compliance is only a very small part of the puzzle. Compliance is usually dictated from legal, regulatory, or donor requirements and is managed with a ‘tic-box’ approach. Compliance is not dynamic and usually doesn't contribute to improved quality or innovation. Start Network takes compliance seriously and we use it in combination with other assurance approaches to give us a more multi-faceted picture of the operating context.


If we are going to integrate a culture of Integrity across the Start Network, we need to ensure everyone – members, staff, participants, vendors, partners, etc. – feels empowered to speak-up and speak-out. Anyone can use the form below or any of the other reporting options to share issues or concerns with Start Network. Everyone has the right to make direct contact with the UK Charity Commission here to raise a concern about a serious risk of harm to the Start Network, its staff, members, and people it seeks to serve.

Anonymous Reporting

We know that bullying, harassment, and retaliation are real and can cause a chilling effect on people’s confidence to speak-up and speak-out. Anonymous reporting options are available through all of our channels. You can also report by accessing the “Speak Up” [] portal which allows anonymous reporting in many languages.

How to submit an integrity report:

A complaint can be raised either by email, phone, text, or in writing to:


Head of Assurance, Start Network

The Office Group FORA, Albert House,

2nd Floor,

256 - 260 Old Street,

London EC1V 9DD

+44 203 848 3937


Investigation Path
The steps below show the standard path of an inquiry (which may become an investigation, audit, evaluation, or other engagement) and follow-on actions, which would be supported and guided by the Start Network Assurance Team.

Report is made via any of the above options. Please be sure to provide as much information as possible about your issue. Your information doesn’t need to be perfect but it does need to provide enough detail so we can begin the review process. You are under no obligation, and should not, try to investigate the issue yourself.

The Start Network Assurance Team will review the issue and determine the next way to proceed. This may require us to reach out to you again for more information if you have provided your contact information.

Depending on the information received, Start Network may decide to initiate a formal external engagement or refer the issue for internal management. During the issue management phase additional information will be gathered in order to make a recommendation for how the issue should be resolved. Resolutions can take many forms such as policy changes, disciplinary actions, contract termination, or legal action.

Once a final resolution is determined the issue will be closed and files will be retained pursuant to our records retention scheduled. It may not be possible for Start Network to share specific details about issues reported to us due to data protection and privacy restrictions.