Start Network and stakeholders gathering to discuss anticipatory action approaches
Start Network and stakeholders gathering to discuss anticipatory action approaches © Start Network

Governance bodies

The Start Network is governed by its Board of Trustees, which takes its steer from the membership, represented by the Assembly. 

Board of Trustees 

The Board takes its steer from the membership and is accountable to the network’s members. 

The Board is responsible for implementing our agreed strategy as well as all other governance matters, such as cost-effectiveness and efficiency, brand protection, and oversight of the sub-committees, the Start Network Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Finance and Operations Officer. 

The Board:

  • oversees sub-committees and team performance
  • provides strategic steer
  • approves the annual business plan and budget
  • considers new programmes and services.

Board members:

SANJAYAN SRIKANTHAN Chair of the Board, CEO, Shelterbox (independent)

NOREEN GUMBO Vice-Chair of the Board, Head of Humanitarian Programmes, Trocaire (member)

MOHAMMED NADEEM Compliance Specialist (independent)

GLYN ISHERWOOD Treasurer, CFO, BBC (independent)

ANWER IQBAL CFO, HANDS (Health And Nutrition Development Society) (member)

MUHAMMAD AMAD Executive Director of Initiative for Development and Empowerment Axis (IDEA) (member)

MALCOLM SPENCE Managing Director, Public Sector Team, Global Innovation Fund (independent)

MOHAMMAD IQBAL RAFIQ Head of International Programmes, Muslim Aid (Member) 

PANKAJ KUMAR, Country Director, Welthungerhilfe, Bangladesh (Member)



Start Network’s Assembly is made up of representatives from each member organisation. It sets the network’s strategic direction and acts as a sounding board for ideas about our evolution. Its primary role is an advisory one, but the Assembly has three important governance responsibilities:

  • appointing or removing trustees, and overseeing the Board’s performance
  • appointing or removing network members
  • approving any changes to the Start Network’s membership policy. 


There are five sub-committees to the Board, which have delegated decision-making authority.



Chair: Glyn Isherwood

Members: Anwer Iqbal (member trustee, HANDS), Kevin Noone (independent), Foluke Mogaji (independent), Gillian Sheeran (independent) 

Advises the Board and team on financial operations, audit and risk management. Responsibilities include:
oversight on all financial matters, including the annual accounts, budgeting and financial management
identifying and understanding all financial risks to the Start Network. 


HR Committee

Chair: Sanj Srikanthan (independent trustee);

Members: Glyn Isherwood (independent trustee), Kirsty Wilson (independent)



Chair: Muhammad Amad (member trustee IDEA)

Members: Andrew Kavala (independent), Rhea Tariq (HelpAge International)

Oversees the evolution of the network and its membership, guided by the principle of locally-led action. This includes:

  • recommending the appointment of new members
  • overseeing the development of the hubs' operational model
  • maintaining and reviewing the Membership Policy, including annual membership contributions and fee structures.



Chair: Noreen Gumbo (member trustee)

Members: Sanjayan Srikanthan (independent trustee), Dan Francis (independent)

Appoints individuals to the Board, ensuring a good balance of skills across the trustees. Responsibilities include:
recommending the skills and experience that should be sought in the nomination and election of trustees
leading the election process when there are vacancies that need to be filled. 



Chair: Mohammed Nadeem (independent trustee)

Members: Rose Chemutai (independent), Kevin Noone (independent), Annie Murthi (independent)

Assists the Board in fulfilling its corporate oversight responsibilities in relation to Start Network’s:

  • risk appetite statement
  • risk management strategy 
  • associated framework and functions. 



Chair: Mohammad Iqbal Rafiq (Muslim Aid)

The committee is composed of representatives from all Start Network Members and convenes annually. The subsidiary Start Fund Strategic Committee is comprised of 12 representatives, meeting quarterly.

Start Fund Strategic Committee members: 

  • Alberto Clerici (People In Need)
  • Alessia Mortada (Plan International)
  • Anis Danish (HANDS)
  • Elodie Pouget (Solidarités International)
  • Evanjalina Sampathawaduge (Caritas Sri Lanka)
  • Mohammad Iqbal Rafiq (Muslim Aid)
  • Muhammad Taimoor (Qatar Charity)
  • Pankaj Kumar (Welthungerhilfe)
  • Paul Cleary (Trócaire)
  • Gemma Bruley (ActionAid) 
  • Natasha Leff (CADENA)
  • Sara Cimatti (Oxfam)

The Start Fund Committee is responsible for the strategic management and operations of the fund, including the allocation of funding. The committee also delegates authority to national governing bodies for locally led funds.




Chair and Vice Chair: Kazi Hoque (Friendship NGO), Audrey Onsomu (independent)

Members: Chiara Ambrosino (Plan International UK), Veronika Bertram (Centre for Disaster Protection), Oenone Chadburn (member trustee, Tearfund), Aydrus Daar (WASDA), Syed Sulaiman (Concern), Sandra Miguel (ASECSA), Andrew Jinks (independent)

Oversees the management, operation and strategy of Start Ready. Makes key decisions around Start Ready funding, including:

  • pre-positioning funds across risks, countries and financial instruments
  • allocating build costs to countries for developing disaster risk financing systems.


Other governing bodies

Start Network Donor Council

This council brings together all of Start Network donors twice a year to review their investment in the network and the programmes it enables. The Council also has direct governance oversight over the risk management of the Start Fund and it reviews and endorses key programme-wide policies on an annual basis. Beyond this, prospective donors are invited occasionally to this group to get a better understanding of how The Council works and how Start Network’s programmes are progressing.