Celebrating the First Hub Fellowship Cohort: Empowering Local Networks for Global Change
A reflection from Joyce Nyaboga and Beth Gathoni as we conclude this inspiring year with the Hub Fellowship Programme.
The Hub is conscious that collective action facilitates a rapid and anticipated response in times of crisis. It envisions a new era of civilisation based on the "cosmovision": good living, where the relationship of human beings with mother earth, the cosmos and all that surrounds us fosters holistic and harmonious coexistence.
The network is currently in a phase of collective strengthening and empowerment, mainly in its local organisations and in a process of management and financing in order to have a sustainable and independent network.
A new era of civilisation based on good living where the relationship of human beings with mother earth, the cosmos and all that surrounds us, is a holistic and harmonious coexistence.
Our main aim is to empower local community-based humanitarian organisations, so that they too have access to resources and above all are able to take decisions on advocacy, especially on humanitarian action.Alexandra Atz, Technical Secretary of Guatemala Hub
Community-Led Innovation Programme (CLIP): CLIP serves rural and indigenous communities affected by, or at-risk-of crises, focusing on problems prioritised by communities. I. It has empowered the participation of women, children and youth, improving living conditions, strengthening community governance and resilience to crises.
Disaster Risk Financing: Requesting funding coverage from Start Ready to provide pre-agreed funding at scale for predictable crises, based on locally driven actions and using innovative risk analysis, collective planning and pre-positioned funding. By launching this programme, we hope to protect more people at risk from predictable crises in the country.
Start Fund: From 2022 to 2024, 5 alerts have been activated where the participation of Hub member organisations has been integrated. In the implementation of the projects, priority has been given to pregnant/lactating women, people with disabilities, children under 5, older adults and people with chronic diseases.
Listen to Alexandra as she shares how their hub pushes for policy changes in humanitarian action through locally led advocacy efforts.
Guatemala HubAlert name | Alert date | Country | Crisis cause | Alert type | Status of alert | Amount awarded | Agencies funded |
Alerts will show here after an allocation decision has been made. Members, donors and partners must login above to see new alerts. Please note, alerts to the Start Fund Bangladesh have alert IDs beginning with 'B'.
A reflection from Joyce Nyaboga and Beth Gathoni as we conclude this inspiring year with the Hub Fellowship Programme.
A case study of CADENA's response to cold spikes in Guatemala, in consortium with ASECSA and ADAM.
We believe that people affected by crises are best placed to address their own needs. We aim to foster innovation at a local…