Guatemala hub
Women from Guatemala © Guatemala Hub

Guatemala Hub

The Guatemala Hub supports cohesive communities with mutual solidarity and actively advocates for their rights to disaster preparedness and humanitarian response. It is grounded in a vision of the holistic, integral, and harmonic connection between people, the planet, and everything surrounding us.


The Guatemala Hub strengthened the bonds between its members through its first face-to-face meeting at the Hub Assembly in 2021. The hub was bolstered even further through Start Network’s Hub Incubation Fund, which was provided to the hub’s member organisations for improvement of governance and systems. The hub also elected three organisations to act as a coordination team and take on rotating leadership of the hub. Now that its network is more developed, the hub is confident that it can uphold its locally led ethos and is prepared to bring in new members.

The Guatemala Hub, represented by ASECSA, also progressed its implementation of the Community-Led Innovation Partnership (CLIP). This intervention aims to ensure communities affected by and at risk of humanitarian crises are central in designing and identifying innovative solutions to their own problems. Examples of emerging local innovation ideas include a low-tech rainwater harvesting mechanism that supplies water to households during the dry season;

animal livestock feed that has a long shelf-life and only uses locally available, cheap, organic ingredients; latrines that address water contamination issues during flooding.

We need a new system that has a better relationship between human beings and the environment: nature, the earth, the cosmos. It is the paradigm for a new civilizational era, based on good living.
Hugo Icú Perén, Director, ASECSA, Guatemala Hub



Over the coming year, the Guatemala Hub plans to:

  • Empower a greater number of local innovators so that they can develop innovations that will support their communities in the face of hazards, particularly in indigenous communities.
  • Support members in strengthening their humanitarian, fundraising and advocacy capacities, while building strategic relationships with authorities and other key stakeholders.
  • Widen engagement and build trusting relationships with international, local, and national members to ensure a locally led, power balanced, and diverse membership base.
  • Reach out to external stakeholders and donors to build a wider portfolio of hub initiatives that support local communities.




The hub has 11 local and national member organisations that are all community-based. The Asociación de Servicios Comunitarios de Salud (ASECSA) serves as its secretariat and is a member of Start Network.


Hugo Icu Peren, ASECSA

Sandra Judith Miguel Martinez, ASECSA

Guatemala Hub

Meet the Guatemala Hub members, see the hub in action and learn more about their future plans.

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