Start Fund provides rapid response funding to under-the-radar, small to medium-scale crises, filling a critical gap in the…
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Start Fund Nepal
Following the success of Start Fund's COVID-19 response in Nepal, Start Network members piloted a country-based contingency…
Start Network is working towards a decentralised model of national and regional hubs. Hubs will manage their own funds and…
The Start Fund enables members to take anticipatory action before the impacts of crises take place, preventing or reducing…
Start Network’s vision is for a locally led humanitarian system, and we are supporting locally led hubs as a step towards…
Start Ready is a unique financing mechanism that uses advanced planning so that funding can be rapidly released when needed…
Disaster risk financing protects people in advance of disasters by setting up forecast models, developing anticipatory plans…

Forecast-Based Financing Madagascar
Modelling drought for early action in Madagascar. In Madagascar, Start Network members are modelling and predicting drought…
We are enabling frontline humanitarians to access early, predictable funds to protect communities from forecasted heatwaves,…
The Forecast-based, Warning, Analysis, and Response Network driving early action together.
ARC Replica is a partnership that helps African countries proactively manage climate-related risks through disaster risk…
The risk and accountability initiative uses design thinking to explore new approaches and tools for assessing and managing…
We believe that people affected by crises are best placed to address their own needs. We aim to foster innovation at a local…
Our vision is for a new era of humanitarian action, we want to see a new humanitarian system that can save more lives. And…