Afghanistan Humanitarian Hub
Afghanistan Humanitarian Hub (AHH) is a locally led network of local, national, and international humanitarian and private sector actors collaborating to alleviate human suffering in Afghanistan.
AHH envisions a humanitarian system in Afghanistan that is locally led, anticipatory, sustainable, and accountable to Afghan citizens.
Together, members of the Hub are building a community that promotes anticipatory and locally led humanitarian action, based on local needs and priorities. The Hub serves as a platform for innovation in humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan. The Hub empowers people through a community-based process of cooperation; a process led by the people we serve.
A humanitarian system in Afghanistan that is anticipatory, locally led, sustainable, and based on local priorities.
Empower communities in Afghanistan to prepare for, respond to, and recover from crises
Focus Areas:
- Building cooperation on anticipatory humanitarian action.
- Enhancing community participation in early action and crisis recovery.
- Promoting locally led humanitarian action.
The Afghanistan Humanitarian Hub is on the right track. I feel validated that whatever we stand for, the vision that we promote and carry forward - localisation, anticipatory humanitarian action, locally led community development - is the right thing to do.Samiullah Hamidee, Afghanistan Humanitarian Hub
Programmes and Initiatives:
- Community Response Facility (CRF) – aims to consolidate local donations and build private sector social purpose and engagement.
- Secure Aid and Access Facility (SAAF) - A tech-based solution to enhance women’s inclusion and access to humanitarian and protection services.
- Community Referral Mechanism – to enhance community participation in the identification of vulnerable individuals and groups in humanitarian crises.
- Community-based volunteers (First responders) - A youth volunteer programme to engage young people in crisis response, early warning, community awareness, and referrals.
- Herat Sustainability and Localisation Working Group – a local advocacy group, promoting community participation in programme planning.
- Locally Led Anticipatory Action (LAHA) - An advocacy and communication conference that aims to promote localisation and anticipatory humanitarian action.
- HELP - Humanitarian Entrepreneurship and Locally-led Protection - A durable solution with the aim to enhance protection of persons affected by crises.
Samiullah Hamidee - Afghanistan Humanitarian Hub
Afghanistan Humanitarian Hub at COP29How to get involved:
Start Fund Alerts in Afghanistan
Alert name | Alert date | Country | Crisis cause | Alert type | Status of alert | Amount awarded | Agencies funded |
Alerts will show here after an allocation decision has been made. Members, donors and partners must login above to see new alerts. Please note, alerts to the Start Fund Bangladesh have alert IDs beginning with 'B'.
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