Pakistan hub
Cooling stations in Pakistan in response to heatwaves © Pakistan hub

Pakistan Hub

The Pakistan Hub, also known as READY Pakistan, aims to create a proactive, resilient, people-centred, locally led, and innovative humanitarian ecosystem. It plans to address emerging challenges through strengthened preparedness and response to any predictable crises.

2021 Progress

READY Pakistan began the process of taking on new members in 2021 as it moves towards independence. The hub initiated a membership drive that aimed to bring in at least 25 local and national organisations to ensure locally led leadership and membership. More than 120 organisations applied to become members of READY Pakistan, which is a testament to the success and visibility of the hub. Membership intake will be finalised in 2022.

A strong and well-established disaster risk financing (DRF) programme characterises READY Pakistan. To mitigate Pakistan’s hazards like floods, heatwaves, and droughts, READY Pakistan’s DRF programme models risks, develops plans and pre-positions funds that respond to high-confidence predictions of those hazards. Hub members can then respond quickly and proactively to needs before and during the early stages of crises. In 2021, the hub’s DRF system was triggered five times; four times for heatwaves and once for drought.

Aside from a successful DRF programme in 2021, READY Pakistan gained recognition from and collaborated with national authorities as well as multilateral and international organisations. The hub invested in strengthening engagement, outreach and collective action with national authorities, while preparing for its registration as a legal entity in 2022.

The hubs are the first mechanism whereby we are operationalising localisation in reality. […] I am confident that all of us can do this; and we will inspire the rest of the countries to start their hubs; and we will inspire the donors and [...] further systems to start to change around the globe.
MUHAMMAD AMAD, Executive Director, IDEA, member of the Pakistan National READY Pakistan Steering Committee, READY Pakistan (Pakistan Hub) and Start Network Trustee

Future plans


Over the coming year, READY Pakistan plans to:

  • Continue to proactively support communities in areas affected by or at risk of crises through its multi-hazard disaster risk financing programme, which covers a range of crises including floods, heatwaves, and drought.
  • Bring in a large number of new members to increase the diversity of the hub and deepen engagement across all provinces in Pakistan.
  • Become a legally registered entity in Pakistan and deepen engagement with national and regional authorities.
  • Establish a secretariat to drive forward the actions of the hub leadership and support new members that join its fold.




This initiative is jointly owned by Pakistani communities, civil society, the Pakistan National Disaster Management Authority, and others. It is guided by a national steering committee that includes international NGOs, national NGOs, and representatives of two major national humanitarian and development networks and consortiums.

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