
Start Network Quarterly Learning Brief - Q4 (BN)

স্ার্ট ননরওয়াল্্টর ২০২১ সালের নশষ তরিমারসল্র (র্উ৪) প্রধান প্রধান রশষোগুলোর সংরষেপ্ত রিিরণ এই তরিমারস্ রশখন সারসংলষেলপ (ন্ায়ার্টাররে োরন্টং ররেফ – র্উএেরি) ত়ুলে ধরা হয়। সারা িের জ়ুলড নশয়ার ্রা রশষোসমূহ এরালত সং্রেত ্রা হয় এিং প্রেম, রবিতীয় ও তৃতীয় তরিমারসল্ (এখালন র্উ১’র্ রশখন সারসংলষেপ পড়ুন) (এখালন র্উ২’র্ রশখন সারসংলষেপ পড়ুন) (এখালন র্উ৩’র্ রশখন সারসংলষেপ পড়ুন) এরা সরিরাহ ্রা হয়।

Start Network Quarterly Learning Brief - Q4 (ES)

Este informe de aprendizaje trimestral (QLB) resume algunos de los aprendizajes clave de la Red Start del último trimestre (Q4) de 2021. Completa el aprendizaje compartido a lo largo del año y proporcionado en el primer, segundo y tercer trimestre.

Start Network Quarterly Learning Brief - Q4 (FR)

Cette note trimestrielle d'apprentissage (QLB) résume certains des principaux apprentissages du Start Network au cours du dernier trimestre (Q4) de 2021. Il complète l'apprentissage partagé tout au long de l'année et fourni aux T1, T2 et T3.

Start Network Quarterly Learning Brief - Q4 (English)

This quarterly learning brief (QLB) summarises some of Start Network’s key learning from the last quarter (Q4) of 2021. It completes the learning shared across the year and provided in Q1, Q2 and Q3.

Start Network Assembly 2021: Quality partnerships from the perspectives of local and national actors

Takeaways from the 2021 Start Network Assembly Explore session: Quality partnerships from the perspectives of local and national actors This interactive session explored what quality partnerships could look like between Start Network members and local partners. It explored what local partners perceive to be important values, and how to achieve these, especially trust, flexibility, and transparency. The session included a presentation of main findings from the survey, a panel discussion, and breakout rooms with participating INGOs and L/NNGOs. The panellists were local partners: Nanette Antequisa (ECOWEB, the Philippines) Muleneh Tesfaye (Caritas Ethiopia) and Lynn Walker (Tree of Life, Zimbabwe). The session was facilitated by Lola Gostelow (an independent humanitarian and associate of the Partnership Brokers Association). The session was based on a survey of 98 local organisations and their experiences working with Start Network members, or directly with Start Network.

Start Network Assembly 2021: Recovering costs more equitably an important step in rebalancing power

Takeaways from the 2021 Start Network Assembly Learn session: Recovering costs more equitably: an important step in rebalancing power This session aimed to raise awareness on why a more equitable Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) across the humanitarian sector is a concrete and tangible way to make progress towards locally led action. Panellists from the session include Fhakrul Islam and Sajid Raihan from Start Fund Bangladesh, Yeakub Hossain from SEEP, and Dulon Gomes from World Vision Bangladesh. The session was facilitated by Myriam Castaneda Solares.

Start Network Assembly 2021: Decolonising evidence: locally-led defined approaches of measuring programmes success

Takeaways from the 2021 Start Network Assembly Explore session: Decolonising evidence: Locally-led approaches of measuring programme success This panel session aimed to explore what alternative approaches to collecting data and measuring success could look like from the perspective of local communities and non-western lenses. It was facilitated by Sanjukta Moorthy (a planning and MEL consultant) who has a special interest in championing diverse perspectives and decolonised frameworks. The three panellists were Saeed Ullah Khan (GLOW consultants, Pakistan) who brings extensive multi sectoral experience especially in large scale survey handling; Anuarite Kabuo (MIDEFEHOPS asbl, DRC) who works for an NGO passionate about contributing effectively to the development of vulnerable communities, children, women, victims of situations of armed conflict; and Pradytia Pertiwi (Rooted Impact, Indonesia) whose work focuses on research and development practice at the intersection of psychology, disasters, development and inclusion, seeking to co-create knowledge with communities.

Founding Hubs

In April 2020, five locally led groups of changemakers came together to explore what it takes to launch local hubs as part of Start Network, as envisioned within ‘Start Evolves’. This phase was called a ‘Proof of Concept’ and has resulted in the emergence of Hubs in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guatemala, India, the Pacific Region and Pakistan.