RFP | Pakistan Start Ready Flood Programme Evaluation
Apply HereOn the 20th of August 2024, the Start Ready Pakistan system triggered for flood as the trigger was breached in 20 districts, with lead times fluctuating from 0 to 3 days across districts. Out of the 20 breached districts, Start Network activated proposals from its members in 11 districts to reach more than 58,000 affected people. Since this was the first time Pakistan’s flood system under Start Ready was triggered, Start Network is looking for a consultant to conduct an independent evaluation of the intervention to identify outcomes and key lessons learnt to inform programme improvement and future strengthening of the DRF system.
Closing date: 20th October
The research questions for this evaluation will include:
1. Impact – What were the intervention outcomes for the people reached? In particular, whether there is differential impact for affected communities between the 5 districts with pre-planning (including National Reserves) and earlier project interventions, vs the 6 districts that implemented activities later.
2. Evaluation of the process of the activation of the DRF system, including a review of the appropriateness of the National Reserves, stakeholder (particular READY Pakistan) engagement, and activation processes (prioritisation of districts, project selection, decision-making, and alignment with national and local priorities). What have we learnt about what has worked well or less well about the activation of the DRF system and the delivery of the project?
3. Evaluation of the process of the project implementation – adopting the OECD evaluation criteria when evaluating the programme, especially effectiveness, efficiency (cost and timeliness), relevance, coherence, and sustainability. This should also include the community’s and other stakeholders’ perspective on the timeliness and effectiveness of the interventions.
The review should include: Desk review, Key Informant Interviews, and engagement with affected populations.
Expected deliverables: a written report and a presentation of findings.