Learning grant

Funding for learning initiatives related to funded responses, which go beyond the operational project level.


Grant Name: Learning Grant

Grant type: Learning

Deadline: Selection rounds will be organised bi-annually. Applications must be submitted by:

  • First round: from 11th March to 12th April 2024.
  • Second round: TBC.


Status: Opening on 11th March 2024.

Grand duration: Flexible (usually up to 6 months)

Amount available: up to £15,000.

Open to: Start Network agencies who have been awarded funding for, and completed a Start Fund project. Starting in 2024, agencies placed on Tier 2 of the Start Network’s due diligence framework can apply as well.

Please note, according to Start Fund and Start Ready Initiatives to Accelerate Locally-led Humanitarian Action, agencies placed on Tier 2 can access a up to up to £200,000 funding in total (or up to 50% of the organisation’s annual turnover, whichever is lower) from Start Fund, Learning Grant, Anticipation Tool Grant, Analysis for Action Grant, and Start Ready at any given time.


To meet its Grand Bargain commitments, the Start Fund sets aside one per cent (1%) of its annual disbursement to grant funding to learning initiatives related to funded responses, which go beyond operational project level, for Start Network members to strengthen humanitarian response. The aim of this grant is to ensure that lessons from the initial response are captured, disseminated, and used by the agency and other actors in the humanitarian sector. Funding is contingent on the awarded agency, or agencies, agreeing to share key learning with Start Network members and other relevant audiences.

More information

Guidance document


Interested in applying for a grant

Please contact: startfundsmeal@startprogrammes.org

Learning Grant in 2022 in numbers

  • 13

    Learning Grant projects


    allocated to awarded initiatives

  • Budget of £254,426

    out of which 97% was disbursed


    of proposals were successful in securing Learning Grant funds

Learn more

Woman with a megaphone
Save the Children, Alert 529, Sudan.

Start Fund Learning Grant in 2022

To meet its Grand Bargain commitments, the Start Fund sets aside one per cent (1%) of its annual disbursement to grant…