In February an armyworm outbreak led to the significant damage of maize fields across Ethiopia. The Start Fund enabled a targeted rapid response to meet farmers’ immediate needs. Dorcas gave farmers appropriate chemicals to control the infestation…
News and blogs
Last week was the official launch of the G7 and G20 initiated InsuResilience Global Partnership. The partnership aims to better protect poor and vulnerable people against the impacts of disasters, by using climate and disaster risk finance and…
The Start Network has signalled its intention to support and join the efforts of the InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP).
Start Network and Welthungerhilfe joined the international political community at COP23, the Bonn Climate Change Conference, to discuss how data and new financial instruments can enable aid agencies to mitigate the effects of extreme weather on…
Start Network's Sarah Klasson looks inside the 'black box' of the Crisis Anticipation Window, to see how we can learn from the failure to act early before crises hit this summer.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was awarded Start Funds to respond to the crisis in Marawi, Philippines, where fighting broke out in May. Here Aiko Jane Osa tells us about CRS's response.
Violence is still raging in Marawi 100 days after fighting began in May and tens of thousands of people who had to flee their homes remain displaced. The Start Network is providing help to people affected by the conflict through two programmes, the…
Start Network's Luke Caley sets out a vision for early action in humanitarian crises, and the platform that could provide the capability needed to take it to scale.
Last week, while many were focused on the devastating landslides in Sierra Leone, elsewhere more than 16 million people were affected by deadly flooding in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Start Network’s Melina Koutsis discusses.
How can the humanitarian sector in Pakistan build more effective systems for humanitarian action? And how do we need to work together to achieve it? These were the questions we attempted to answer during Start Network’s ‘The Future of Humanitarian…
Thousands of vulnerable people in dire need following mudslides in Sierra Leone are to begin receiving urgent help today, following the decision yesterday by Start Network members to fund six rapid-response projects.
Start Network’s Laura-Louise Fairley reports on the Start Fund response to cholera in Yemen, when the rapid release of funds allowed those suffering to receive help in just two days while major humanitarian donors were only just waking up to the…