The UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) announced today that it would provide a further £12m to support the Start Fund. The funding will enable frontline actors across Start Network’s members and partners to continue to respond…
News and blogs
The G7 has confirmed its commitment to supporting the scaling-up of anticipatory action and the growth of the Start Fund.
As part of the evaluation of ARC Replica, in-depth interviews were held with households to better understand the timing and impact of the assistance. These interviews suggested that the start of lean season is not homogenous across Senegal.
Start Network has today launched a guide for scientists and humanitarians to encourage the responsible use of scientific data in humanitarian decision-making.
Depuis juillet 2020, la partie Nord de la République du Congo était sous l’emprise de grandes inondations provoquées par des pluies diluviennes qui s’étaient abattues dans cette zone. Jusqu’au mois de Novembre 2020, on enregistrait près de 83’000…
Humanitarian coordination in Bangladesh involves a large number of stakeholders and forums, and a complex system of government committees that relate to disaster management actors, clusters, working groups, NGOs and INGOs. To be successful, this…
The crisis in Syria has lasted a decade and 2020 saw some of the worst violence since the start of the conflict. As a result, there are some 2.7 million internally displaced people living in North West Syria now. Many of them live in makeshift camps,…
As part of the ARC Replica evaluation, in-depth interviews were held with households to better understand the timing and impact of the assistance. The assistance of cash and fortified flour distributions were timed to align with an assumed lean…
A new report published today demonstrates how insurance can help governments and organisations to predict and proactively manage climate-related humanitarian risks at scale. The report, published by Start Network, a global collaboration of…
Un nouveau rapport publié aujourd'hui montre de quelle façon les assurances peuvent aider les gouvernements et les organisations à prévoir et à gérer de manière proactive et à grande échelle, les risques humanitaires liés aux changements climatiques.…
En juillet 2020,MIDEFEHOPS (Mouvement international pour les droits des enfants, des femmes et des veufs et leur promotion sociale) était l'un des huit membres nationaux et locaux sélectionnés pour participer à un fonds Covid-19 dédié, avec des…
In July 2020, MIDEFEHOPS (International Movement for the Rights of Children, Women and Widowers and their Social Advancement) was awarded £30,000 to respond to COVID-19 in their target area. They used this funding to distribute masks and hygiene…