This year World Humanitarian Day is focusing on how the world came together in Istanbul in May to commit to helping 130 million people currently in need of humanitarian assistance. So today, we take a look at how the Start Fund is helping to enable…
News and blogs
The Start Fund has responded to its 100th emergency alert in just over two years by sending urgent help to victims of flooding in Bangladesh.
Three more Start Fund Decision Making Groups have been set up in Senegal, Cameroon and DRC, Kat Reichel tells us more.
Pilot to test efficient and transparent decisions about funding for crisis response.
Last week, the Start Network set up the third and fourth Start Fund decision making groups in Myanmar and Pakistan.
The Start Network is stimulating a way of working that enables the international and local to coexist in a dynamic and faster response mechanism.
The Start Network has an amazing job available – Head of the Start Fund. What is important to understand is that there are very few jobs like this on planet earth.
Start's Kat Reichel tells us about the successes and challenges for the Start Fund standing decision making group in Nigeria.
Yesterday in Nairobi, the Start Network ran a workshop for members of an in-country decision making group.
A learning report from the Burundi refugee response in Tanzania.
Preliminary assessment of the effects on pastoralist migratory patterns and water-related conflict of IRC’s Start Fund project in Somalia