Across the world, we have seen a consistent rise of disease outbreaks in the past decade and Start Fund has been instrumental in responding to many of them, including Cholera, Dengue fever, Ebola, and Lassa fever. Using project data from 12 activated…
News and blogs
Despite restrictions on movement, limited supplies and the ever-present threat of the virus, Start Network members in the Philippines are continuing to deliver aid to the communities they work with.
We have helped to mitigate the damage of impending disasters and, in some cases, managed to stop crises from forming altogether as a result of well-timed, pre-emptive action. Through these experiences, we have built a strong body of evidence that…
Six years ago today, Christian Aid made the first alert to a new aid financing mechanism. The Start Fund’s first alert to food insecurity in South Sudan went on to disburse just over £300,000 to Action Against Hunger, Christian Aid, Plan…
En début de ce mois de Mars 2020, une pluie torrentielle accompagnée d’un vent violent s’est abattue sur la zone de sante de Kalima en territoire de Pangi, Province du Maniema en République Démocratique du Congo causant plusieurs dégâts matériels et…
Earlier this month, torrential rain accompanied by violent wind fell on Kalima in Maniema Province, Democratic Republic of Congo, causing both material and human damage.
The global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is affecting all of us, our families, our communities, our way of life, and for Start Network, the content of our work.
The ‘Evaluation of the Start Fund’s Preparedness to Scale-up’, is Humanitarian Outcomes’ third learning project as a Start Fund partner and easily the most challenging one. The evaluation coincided with a period of quite fundamental and fast-moving…
Local and national-level organisations, working in partnership with Start Network members, are key to the planning and implementation of Start Fund projects. Through collaboration with these local partners, Start Network members gain the access and…
Originally published by Open Democracy. National and local organisations ask INGOs to support them, not compete with them.
Andrew Kavala is the Country Director for MANEPO overseeing a staff of 32. He is also doing a PhD in Strategic Management, chairs a Start Fund members coordination group, is a member of the Membership Committee and is the Start Fund Regional Advisor.
The Start Fund’s value lies in its use as a tool by and for its members, with member agency representatives having the ability to define and adjust the Start Fund remit to the realistic needs and flexibilities of humanitarian crises.