Members' Day will enable member agencies to come together again to explore Start Network activities and dive even deeper into the conversations, turning recommendations into actionable change.
News and blogs
Building upon conversations about the new humanitarian economy, this year’s Annual Conference will frame and inspire conversation about the Start Network’s vision and enable delegates to discuss and influence its evolution.
Start Talks: The New Humanitarian Economy will challenge traditional thinking about humanitarian actors, and draw new participants into a conversation about rising to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century. Follow the event live.
Alice Hawkes and Kerry Ann Akers, from the Protection in Practice project ask whether international organisations are truly ready to relinquish control and enable decision making to take place as close to the front line as possible.
Last week, the Start Network set up the third and fourth Start Fund decision making groups in Myanmar and Pakistan.
The Start Network is stimulating a way of working that enables the international and local to coexist in a dynamic and faster response mechanism.
Start Network's Shveta Shah discusses building the portfolio of projects within the Disasters Emergencies Preparedness Programme (DEPP)
At the end of March Start Network’s Helen James visited Lesvos to take a look at the Start Network European Refugee Response.
We spoke to Lali Foster from Translators without Borders about their part in the Start Network’s European Refugee Response.
A common NGO position for the Grand Bargain at the World Humanitarian Summit would describe a 21st Century humanitarian system which would enable every humanitarian to make a contribution.
Insights from a learning seminar in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo. By Jean-Louis Lambeau (Learning Advisor - DRC, Kenya and Mozambique)
Head of Labs for the Start Network is something you might see only once in a career. It is a unique job with wide open potential.