Over the past year, the drought emergency has shown how climate change and natural hazards are increasing humanitarian needs in Ethiopia. As communities cope with shocks in agricultural and livestock production and access to food, national…
News and blogs
Shifitng the Power has been reacting to the crisis in Rakhine State, Myanmar and the influx of refugees coming into Bangladesh. They have been collaborating very closely with various other partners to give a united and rapid response to the crisis.
Start Network has launched four new “innovation labs” in Bangladesh, Jordan, Kenya and the Philippines, aimed at finding fresh ways to help local communities prepare for disasters. The move is the first of it's kind initiated by an NGO.
The Global Relief and Resilience Hub alerts businesses and humanitarian organisations to crises as they develop and helps to facilitate long-lasting relationships by strengthening both business to humanitarian, and business to business collaboration.
Start Network's Sarah Klasson looks inside the 'black box' of the Crisis Anticipation Window, to see how we can learn from the failure to act early before crises hit this summer.
The numbers seemed alarming when the rapid reaction health team gathered in the remote Ethiopian town of Itang for their weekly meeting in mid-April this year: 286 cases of malaria reported over the previous seven days.
Graduates of the Humanitarian Trainee Scheme, a capacity-building programme funded through the Disasters and Emergencies Preparedness Programme, are supporting the Bangladesh Government’s response to the Rohingya refuges crisis.
Here we look at one of the proposals from the Start Evolves task teams, the Due Diligence team proposes a global due diligence database to enable greater diversity in the humanitarian system.
Setting up a fish conservation zone made villagers more secure against a future disaster
As they set out by motor boat to reach remote communities hit by flash flooding, three trainee humanitarians had their first taste of the hazards involved in their new profession.
The Start Network’s vision is to become a decentralised network of hubs at the regional and national level. To discuss the value of hubs with members, Start Network’s Neil Townsend and Bhavya Srinivasan hosted consultation meetings in Amman and…
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was awarded Start Funds to respond to the crisis in Marawi, Philippines, where fighting broke out in May. Here Aiko Jane Osa tells us about CRS's response.