Anne Street, Head of Humanitarian Policy at CAFOD, on work being done by international NGOs to meet thier commitment to stop undermining national capacity.
News and blogs
As national NGOs continue to lose talented staff to international organisations, a new report analyses experiences of recruitment practices for surge responses in the Philippines.
Start Network’s new Bangladesh national fund, Start Fund Bangladesh, is ready for its first crisis alert in a significant development for the humanitarian system
An outbreak of Lassa fever that poses a risk to nearly a million people in northern Togo has become the focus of the 100th crisis response financed by the Start Fund.
In February, HelpAge International and Christian Aid led a cash-based response to assist flood victims in Malawi through the Start Fund. Here is a take on the story that made its way to one of the country's news sites, Malawi24.
Alexandra Pura from Christian Aid is the Philippines Platform Coordinator for the Transforming Surge Capacity project. Here Alexandra explains about a crisis simulation exercise that aimed to helped foster collaboration and the sharing of capacity…
Syamantha Asokan reports from the Harmanli refugee camp in Bulgaria, where Doctors of the World is the only medical organisation treating roughly 2,500 people through the MERF.
In this video, graduates of the East African Humanitarian Trainee Scheme explain what they learned and why the course is important.
On its third anniversary, just as the Start Fund begins its 100th crisis response, Gloria Donate from Plan International UK, tells us about the very first response.
Follow in real time as Start Fund members tackle Lassa fever outbreak in Togo
Start Network has launched a new online platform that will allow its members, donors and the public to monitor humanitarian alerts as they happen, follow how money is spent and see how many people have been helped.
Marko Madut Garang discusses the innovative approaches to capacity building being piloted through the Protection in Practice project.