Video: East African graduates of Humanitarian Trainee Scheme explain what they learned

In this video, graduates of the East African Humanitarian Trainee Scheme explain what they learned and why the course is important.


Time to read: 1 minute

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In this video, graduates of the East African Humanitarian Trainee Scheme explain what they learned and why the course is important.

Birukawit Gemechu Bekele, one of the trainees from the scheme said: "At a time like this, when the humanitarian need is very high in the world, to deliver skilled humanitarian practitioners is very important and this scheme is giving that to the world."

Axumite Tsegaye Saeyoum another trainee said: "I was able to engage with a lot of departments, I was not only focusing on one thing, it [included] a little bit of WaSH, health, gender or MEAL, it was multi-purpose, so it has helped me develop both personally and professionally, and it has been an amazing experince."

The Humanitarian Trainee Scheme, run by Save the Children, is part of Talent Development project, which helps build the capacity of people best placed to respond to humanitarian crises, enabling national level aid organisations to maximise the potential of their staff, and ensuring national staff have the necessary skills and knowledge to improve the impact of crisis response."

Talent Development is part of the Disasters and Emergencies Preparedness Programme, funded by UK aid.