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Learning Materials

Start Network Quarterly Learning Brief - Q4 (BN)

স্ার্ট ননরওয়াল্্টর ২০২১ সালের নশষ তরিমারসল্র (র্উ৪) প্রধান প্রধান রশষোগুলোর সংরষেপ্ত রিিরণ এই তরিমারস্ রশখন সারসংলষেলপ (ন্ায়ার্টাররে োরন্টং ররেফ – র্উএেরি) ত়ুলে ধরা হয়। সারা িের জ়ুলড নশয়ার ্রা রশষোসমূহ এরালত সং্রেত ্রা হয় এিং প্রেম,…

Learning Materials

Start Network Quarterly Learning Brief - Q4 (ES)

Este informe de aprendizaje trimestral (QLB) resume algunos de los aprendizajes clave de la Red Start del último trimestre (Q4) de 2021. Completa el aprendizaje compartido a lo largo del año y proporcionado en el primer, segundo y tercer trimestre.

Case Study

Gender and DRF - Philippine Primer

The conduct of the missing voices approach in understanding the role of gender in disaster risk financing for the Philippines provided several emerging themes. Themes vary from disaster preparedness activities, early action, as well as barriers and…


Risk Brief November 2021

The monthly risk briefing reports on new, emerging or deteriorating situations; therefore, ongoing events that are considered to be unchanged are not featured and risks that are beyond the scope and scale of the Start Fund are also not featured. It…


Acting ahead of crises: how far do we go?

Analysis of humanitarian financing from 2014 - 2019 found that funding pre-organised in advance, based on pre-agreed triggers or plans (predominantly through regional risk pools and anticipatory humanitarian action systems) was equivalent to less…


Gender Inclusive Disaster Risk Financing

As the Start Network continues to focus on Disaster Risk Financing programming, this research was commissioned to analyse the issues and additional considerations around gender in DRF programming. Making programming most effective includes ensuring…


Risk Brief September 2021

The monthly risk briefing reports on new, emerging or deteriorating situations; therefore, ongoing events that are considered to be unchanged are not featured and risks that are beyond the scope and scale of the Start Fund are also not featured. It…