

Ce guide, élaboré par la consultante humanitaire Clea Kahn, vise à donner aux acteurs humanitaires une orientation pour développer leurs mécanismes de redevabilité dans le contexte de la migration mixte, en mettant l'accent sur les mécanismes de plaintes et de retour d'information. Il existe déjà d'excellents conseils sur la manière de mettre en œuvre des mécanismes de plaintes et de retour d'information dans les contextes humanitaires, et ce guide n’est pas destiné à les remplacer ou à les reproduire. Il doit être lu comme un supplément, afin de fournir une réflexion supplémentaire aux acteurs humanitaires travaillant dans des contextes de migration.


Esta orientación, elaborada por la consultora humanitaria Clea Kahn, tiene por objeto orientar a los agentes humanitarios para que elaboren sus mecanismos de rendición de cuentas en el contexto de la migración mixta, centrándose en los mecanismos de quejas y retroinformación. Ya existen excelentes orientaciones sobre la forma de aplicar los mecanismos de retroinformación y denuncia en los contextos humanitarios, y no se pretende sustituirlos ni duplicarlos. Debe leerse como un suplemento, para proporcionar una reflexión adicional a los agentes humanitarios que trabajan en contextos de migración.

Accountability, Feedback & Complaints Mechanisms in Humanitarian Responses to Migration

This guidance, developed by humanitarian consultant Clea Kahn, aims to give humanitarian actors a guidance for developing their accountability mechanisms in the context of mixed migration, with a focus on complaints and feedback mechanisms. Excellent guidance already exists on how to implement feedback and complaint mechanisms in humanitarian contexts, and this is not intended to replace or duplicate those. It should be read as a supplement, to provide additional reflection for humanitarian actors working in migration contexts.

Migration Emergency Response Fund Handbook

This handbook is for MERF members, from headquarters to in-country staff. The handbook is a guide to the most up-to-date processes, systems, and governance mechanisms which enable the MERF to operate. It is a live document and will be continuously updated based on experience and feedback.

Migration Emergency Response Fund alert fact sheet - 2018

This useful guide has everything Start Network members need to know when raising an alert for the new phase of the Migration Emergency Response Fund (MERF). The new phase of the MERF is focused entirely on Africa and members of the Start Network can now respond to acute needs along the migration route. The fund is filling critical gaps in migration response within the continent, with funding on its way to members as quickly as 72 hours of an alert first being raised.