Due Diligence Project Manager

Team: Research & Development / Assurance

Salary: £48,000 - £50,000 (GBP)

Location: United Kingdom

Closing: 11:59pm, 6th Aug 2023 BST

For more information and to apply click here.


Start Network’s aim is to become a global decentralised network of networks, where hundreds of organisations can join as members. In order for us to do this, we are actively seeking to find ways to break down the barriers created by the current system of due diligence.

Due diligence – the vetting of organisations due to receive funding – is vital for donors: it gives them reassurance that the organisations they fund have the governance and financial systems necessary to minimise the risk of misuse of funds. However, organisations often need to be quite large to have the systems and financial accountability to underwrite financial risks. This creates a significant barrier to entry, and incentivises “western style” larger-scale organisations that are more able to meet due diligence requirements. In addition, donors and INGOs all have their own vetting systems, creating unnecessary duplication and administrative cost for every actor and donor in the aid system. We need to address both the inefficiency and the stifling of smaller-scale organisations that are inherent in current due diligence practices. To do this, we propose to revolutionise our due diligence, by creating a global due diligence database to provide:

• a standardised due diligence process that is tiered (not simply pass or fail) and can be tailored to context

• online verification and validation of organisations

• opt-in capacity building and training to enable actors to move up the due diligence tiers

Start Network developed a tiered due diligence framework and has tested and operationalised it.

This has enabled the Network to bring in a wider spectrum of humanitarian actors into our membership and provide direct access to funding to local and national members. In 2022, Start’s due diligence has further evolved into a modular due diligence framework to account for better

country-level contextualisation. As Due Diligence Project Manager, you will lead in the continuous exploration, learning and development of Start Network’s approach to due diligence.

Start Network has also partnered with a tech developer and has delivered the first phase of the digital platform. As Due Diligence Project Manager, you would be a critical catalyst in this exciting project.

With management experience in donor due diligence procedures, you would be able to strategically manage the complexities of the project. You would have excellent stakeholder management skills, to work with and convene partners to see the successful pilot and scale of the digital platform. You would also work closely with senior management to create engagement strategies to influence our members, donors and partners to adopt due diligence passporting and to use the digital platform.

You would engage with other organisations and networks working actively in this space to ensure

that there is alignment, or no unnecessary duplication. Once the platform is in an initial pilot phase, you would also support the Operations Team to look at capacity building strategies to ensure that organisations can move up the due diligence ladder through our Organisational Strengthening



For more information and to apply click here.