581 Ecuador (Flooding)


  • Country: Ecuador

  • Crisis cause: Flooding

  • Crisis type: Hydrological


Alert cycle

01 Feb 22

Crisis start

08 Feb 22, 15:00


Alert summary: Flooding

£170,000 Recommended amount

Alert type: Response

09 Feb 22, 16:30

Allocation decision

Decision summary: The Start Fund Team considered that the emergency meets the Start Fund niche as it is a small under the radar crisis. The Team found that the Start Fund was appropriate to fill the geographical gaps…

£170,000Allocation amount

Decision making committee: Start Team

11 Feb 22, 15:45

Project selection

Meeting summary: The Committee reviewed two proposals and found that the proposal submitted by Cadena (Proposal 1) was the most appropriate to respond to the emergency in Ecuador. The Committee considered that this…

£170,000 Total amount

Agencies funded: CADENA

Projects & reporting

Agencies funded: CADENA



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