Violence is still raging in Marawi 100 days after fighting began in May and tens of thousands of people who had to flee their homes remain displaced. The Start Network is providing help to people affected by the conflict through two programmes, the…
News and blogs
How can the humanitarian sector in Pakistan build more effective systems for humanitarian action? And how do we need to work together to achieve it? These were the questions we attempted to answer during Start Network’s ‘The Future of Humanitarian…
We are inviting organisations around the world to join us in co-designing the structure needed to realise our vision of a more effective humanitarian system. Read more and tell us what you think.
As of 2014, 26 out of the 35 deadliest tropical cyclones in world history took place in the Bay of Bengal. Myanmar, Bangladesh and India are all on this cyclone-prone belt, which makes them particularly vulnerable to disaster, yet the areas affected…
The Start Network has published a new framework for localisation which aims to provide a practical structure to improve the position of local organisations within international aid. The framework is part of an independent review into localisation of…
In advance of the launch of The Start Fund, Start Network and Localisation, a review into how Start Network programmes are faring on the localisation agenda, Start Network's David Jones discusses the issues around creating a holistic approach to…
A newly published report recognises there is a significant need for a gender balance in surge practice and much stronger support is needed for the critical role that women play in a humanitarian response.
The Asia regional roster was set up as part of the Transforming surge capacity project. The aim was to facilitate, through pre-agreed memoranda of understanding, easy deployment of skilled humanitarian staff across organisational boundaries.
How the Shifting the Power project is supporting shifts in government practice through advocacy and training
Oxfam's Kerry Ann Akers describes how CEDIER, a small Congolese NGO working Oxfam through the DEPP's Protection in Practice project, uses drama techniques to train communities in protection awareness and make them safer.
Helen James attended the ICT4D Conference 2017 in Hyderabad, here she gives a summary of the Start Network's sessions at the conference and other relavent sessions for our agenda.
Start Network has endorsed the Charter on Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action at a first anniversary event hosted by Handicap International UK and CBM UK in partnership with the UK Department for International Development.