News and blogs


Currently endorsed definitions of accountability to affected people continue to reinforce and be reflective of realities in which  humanitarian organisations and donors hold power over crisis affected people...


As the world contends with the destruction that Pakistan’s monsoon floods have left in their wake, as well as the cascading impact of an emerging health crisis, some truths regarding the role of local organisations within the sector begin to become…


A locally led humanitarian system that is accountable to people at risk or affected by crisis is also one where communities have agency and voice over humanitarian interventions that respond to their needs.


World Oceans Day 2022 calls for individuals, civil society, governments, institutions and the international community to collectively work to revitalise our oceans, which are home to most of the world’s biodiversity and are predicted to be a source…


The Community Led Approaches to MEAL Grant enables people affected by or at-risk of crises to have more of a say in monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning.


Start Network is delighted to announce that Start Ready has officially gone live, protecting people in six countries against predictable climate shocks.


The humanitarian sector aims to be locally led and therefore, it is important that the humanitarian sector listens to organisations acting at the local scale, so we can learn from their experiences and adapt to meet their needs. Over recent years,…