News and blogs


The Start Network Board of Trustees, the Membership Committee and the Nominations Committee are looking for new members with fresh perspectives to contribute their knowledge to the Start Network.


In summer 2016, the Start Fund decided to revise the learning grant process and subsequently set aside one per cent of its total annual disbursement, to fund learning activities that went above and beyond project level for members of the Start…


When you’re a girl, crises become exponentially more dangerous, both in the immediate effects and post-crisis recovery... On the International Day of the Girl, let us commit to investing in skills training and education for girls and livelihood…

Start Network member, The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) was awarded Start funds to provide a rapid response to families who had been affected by Cyclone Sagar in Djibouti. According to United Nations OCHA, it is estimated 830,000 people had been…


The Start Fund’s biannual FOREWARN meeting in early September was an opportunity for FOREWARN members to both contribute and draw from a collective body of work. As FOREWARN continues to grow, as well as decentralise – connecting forecasters,…


The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) is seeking to partner with a humanitarian organisation to develop innovative solutions to challenges around the tracking of humanitarian supplies.