Women with humanitarian kits
©2021 ALIMA

Case Study: Supporting communities displaced by conflict in Chad

Start Fund Alert 564: Chad (Displacement due to conflict) - ALIMA, Solidarités International, CARE


On 5 December 2021, a dispute between local communities over access to a water source led to intercommunal clashes between farmer, herder, and fishermen communities in the city of Logone-Birni in northern Cameroon. On 8 December, the clashes spread to the city of Kousséri, where at least 22 people died, 30 were injured and the cattle market was destroyed. The clashes led to the initial displacement of at least 30,000 people and to the continuous arrival of further refugees to two sites in Ndjamena (Chad’s Capital), where those displaced required Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) assistance, protection, healthcare, food, and basic non-food items.


On 14 December, Start Network members raised Alert 564 to respond to the crisis which was activated the following day for £300,000 GBP.

A consortium of ALIMA, Solidarites International and CARE was selected to support the immediate needs of the displaced people. Their response targeted 46,107 of the most vulnerable individuals by providing emergency latrines, hygiene and dignity kits, handwashing facilities, emergency healthcare, and psychological support. They also conducted malnutrition screening for children, provided medical care for gender-based violence (GBV) cases, water quality tests, awareness raising campaigns, and supported the civil protection unit with water trucking.

More details

Women posing for a group photo

GBV committee training, Kalambari

Cleaning Kits Distribution, Kalambari

Cleaning Kits Distribution, Kalambari