The Forecast-based Warning, Analysis and Response Network
When the crisis anticipation function of the Start Fund opened in 2016, the Global FOREWARN Community (Forecast-based Warning, Analysis, and Response Network) was created alongside it to support members to act ahead of the occurrence of hazardous events and their impacts.
In 2018, the Global FOREWARN community decided to launch the National FOREWARN strategy, acknowledging that those closest to the impacted context are best informed to plan and coordinate anticipatory action. In 2022, there are five active FOREWARN countries at various stages of development: Bangladesh, Madagascar, Nepal, Pakistan, and the Philippines.
In every context, national and global, FOREWARN promotes and advocates for the mainstreaming of early action. The main objective is that Start Network members, and their partners, have an improved understanding of expert analysis and can effectively use quality risk information in advance of crises.
FOREWARN aims to identify the high-quality hazard and risk information shared and produced by scientists and experts, and to operationalise this information to improve the quality of anticipation work. This is done through: risk monitoring; the development of forecasting tools and Early Action Protocols; early action coordination and coordination of anticipation alerts to the Start Fund; policy, advocacy, and dialogue; and sharing information and learning.
FOREWARN also provides expert support to decision-making for both the Start Fund and Start Ready funding mechanisms.