
Early action Impact Assessment Mongolia

For nomadic herder families in the Mongolian grasslands, living in extreme conditions is the norm. But when it comes to Dzud, the Mongolian term for a bitterly cold winter weather phenomenon, the impact can be greater than many are able to prepare. Anticipating how changes in the weather and environment will impact their lives is key.

How are refugees and migrants linked?

Every year on the 20th of June, World Refugee Day marks the strength, courage and perseverance of refugees. It is important to recognise the difficulties that refugees face, and work towards a world where all refugees have accessibility to assistance and protection. So, how does the Start Network respond to the needs of refugees and migrants?

Why independence matters

This is big news: spinning off a new charity is the not-for-profit equivalent of an Initial Public Offering (IPO). Today we have become an independent Company and Charity that is owned by the Member NGOs. Until today we have been a consortium hosted by Save the Children UK. Until today we have seen ourselves as a start-up. Today we exited that incubation.

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… of resource transfers to match needs and increase accountability while reducing opportunities for corruption …