First DEPP Pakistan Learning Hub meeting held in Islamabad

Providing a unique opportunity to enhance coordination and collaboration amongst different DEPP projects at country level.


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The first joint meeting of Start Network's Disasters and Emergencies Preparedness Programme (DEPP) partners took place on February 11th, 2016 in Islamabad. It provided a unique opportunity to enhance coordination and collaboration amongst different DEPP projects at country level, and the response was extremely positive. The meeting was facilitated by the DEPP Regional Learning Advisor and attended by four DEPP Project Managers of Lead Consortiums and representatives of six Start Network member organizations.

The meeting concluded with a commitment that the projects will work to enhance collaboration through sharing of relevant information with each other collectively as well as on an individual basis. Thereby, ADCAP will provide training on minimum standards to the partner organizations of Shifting the Power, and Linking Preparedness Response and Resilience (LPRR) projects, using indigenous resources. Similarly, Shifting the Power (STP) will engage DEPP and Start Network members in strengthening the capacities of STP L/NNGOs through a joint workshop on the 16th of March. 

Lastly, the DEPP Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) team will contribute towards the establishment of Learning Hub at national level by engaging DEPP, Start members and wider humanitarian actors in the region. 

Read more about the Network's Disasters and Emergencies Preparedness Programme --or click here to see our infographic of DEPP projects, consortia and focus countries.