Learn at the 2018 Assembly: Migration Emergency Response Fund

Learn more about mixed migration flows, and how the MERF has been responding to those needs.


Time to read: 1 minute

Area of work:

The Start Network Assembly is the network's highest governing body, made up of representatives from each member agency. The Assembly is taking place this week in Bonn, Germany, kindly hosted by Network member Welthungerhilfe.

The Assembly is an opportunity to come together to learn how the network has progressed over the past six months; build on the learning to tackle shared challenges, and make decisions on the Network’s future and strategic direction.

Below is the learn presentaion for the Migration Emergency Response Fund.


Responding to migration flows via the MERF

The Migration Emergency Response Fund (MERF) learn corner will contain a poster summarising the MERF, outlining the Start Network members involved, the amount of the pot and the different types of alerts. There will also be a case study of a MERF funded project in Niger which has had a lasting impact on humanitarian response in the city of Agadez. Finally there will be an interactive map which can be used to learn about the MERF eligible countries.

MERF case study: Niger