Kat Reichel, Senior Manager for Network Design and Engagement, talks about how the Start Network is making its vision a reality through complex systems thinking.
News and blogs
A Reuters article explores the Start Network's Drought Financing Facility initiative in Pakistan and how it could result in more rapid, effective and large-scale response to protect drought-hit communities.
Kat Reichel and Karen Janjua tell us how members in Pakistan are discussing the future of the Start Network.
David Jones, Start Fund MEAL Manager, discusses how humanitarian responders can begin to navigate complex contexts using insight.
When an insurance policy for a severe drought in Malawi didn't pay out in 2015, the result was of great consequence to poor Malawians. Emily Montier asks what did we learn from the experience?
Oxfam's Kerry Ann Akers describes how CEDIER, a small Congolese NGO working Oxfam through the DEPP's Protection in Practice project, uses drama techniques to train communities in protection awareness and make them safer.
Helen James attended the ICT4D Conference 2017 in Hyderabad, here she gives a summary of the Start Network's sessions at the conference and other relavent sessions for our agenda.
Crisis modifiers can reduce the risk to a project from a disaster. But there are problems taking this to scale - and one possible solution
Is cash the silver bullet or the emperor's new clothes? A year on from Grand Bargain commitments David Jones, Start Fund's MEAL manager, explores what the fund has learned about making cash an effective tool
Being prepared for a potential emergency, and having a response structure already in place, paid dividends for community health volunteers when an outbreak of diarrhoea hit a sprawling Nairobi settlement.
One year after the World Humanitarian Summit, the pace of change needs to be faster says Sean Lowrie, director of Start Network
We recognise locally-led, sustainable, social innovation is strengthening capacities already, and commit to promoting and facilitating such initiatives across the Network and our partners.