Start Network is pleased to announce that four new members have joined the network. The new members have joined as part of Start Network’s plans to build a more diverse network made up of organisations around the world with more local and national…
News and blogs
The events we have experienced in 2020 may catalyse the types of changes that the world has been demanding for many years. From localisation and decolonisation to action on the global climate emergency, to maximising technology and advocating for…
In June four humanitarian organisations from India joined the Start Network, and one of these is SEEDS. We spoke with Manu Gupta and Varghese Antony about their previous interactions with the Start Network and their motivations for joining.
Last month, four humanitarian organisations from Pakistan joined the Start Network, and one of these is BSDSB. We spoke with Naseer Channa about his previous interactions with the Start Network and his motivations for joining.
Start Network is pleased to announce that 12 new local and national aid agencies, based in India, Pakistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, have joined the network. The new members have joined as part of Start Network’s plans to build a more…
Concern Worldwide was one of the founding members of the Start Network when it was first conceived under the Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies 10 years ago. Here Bob Ruxton, Director of Programme Support at Concern, shares with us some…

Thoughts from our members: satisfaction levels and why they would recommend start network membership
The Start Network’s 2020 Member Assembly Representative Survey has revealed some key insights into satisfaction levels amongst our membership, reasons why members would encourage other organisations to join the Start Network and feedback on how we…
Dan’s commitment to working with local actors first started when he worked for Christian Aid back in the nineties, and he has always been keen to see localisation in the Start Network agenda. Dan is now leaving War Child to take up the position of…
Start Network has announced five founding hubs to be based in countries and regions affected by crises, localising resources and decision-making to improve the quality of humanitarian aid.
In early 2019, The Start Network undertook a member survey which probed for examples of how the Start Network is influencing their operations.
Start Network is opening up the opportunity for 10 local and national organisations in two countries/regions to take the next step towards forming a hub in their locality, by taking part in piloting a new tiered due diligence framework.
The Start Network is seeking the views of aid agencies on a new form of membership being launched in order to shift greater power and resources to those closest to humanitarian crises.