A Baseline for Flood Contingency Planning in the North-west and North-central Region of Bangladesh

In October 2021, Start Fund Bangladesh commissioned a detailed livelihood study applying the household economy analysis (HEA) framework. 

In October 2021, Start Fund Bangladesh commissioned a detailed livelihood study applying the household economy analysis (HEA) framework. This report presents findings of HEA conducted in the north-west and north-central parts of Bangladesh during October-November 2021 in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the livelihood and means of survival for different wealth groups, and the seasonality of livelihood strategies. The study provides more evidence-based information to support designing more effective forecast-based financing (FbF) and risk financing mechanism of Start Fund. Household Economy Approach (HEA) was used as the guiding methodological framework for the study. Specific data collection method included focus group discussions (FGDs),key informant interviews (KII), consultative workshop with UN, INGOs and Start Fund representatives as well as reviews of available secondary documents and reports.