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Crisis Response Summary

SFB Response Summary B043

Bangladesh has faced one of the worst flash floods in history in 2022, where northeastern region of the country was devastated by consecutive flash floods during the months of May to June. The affect of the flooding led to more than 7.2 million…

Crisis Response Summary

SFB Response Summary

The northeastern part of Bangladesh has been devastated by a torrential flash flooding due to heavy rainfall in the upper streams of Surma, Kushiyara and other rivers of the Brahmanputra basin that linked to the northeastern part of the country.

Learning Materials

Start Network Quarterly Learning Brief - Q4 (BN)

স্ার্ট ননরওয়াল্্টর ২০২১ সালের নশষ তরিমারসল্র (র্উ৪) প্রধান প্রধান রশষোগুলোর সংরষেপ্ত রিিরণ এই তরিমারস্ রশখন সারসংলষেলপ (ন্ায়ার্টাররে োরন্টং ররেফ – র্উএেরি) ত়ুলে ধরা হয়। সারা িের জ়ুলড নশয়ার ্রা রশষোসমূহ এরালত সং্রেত ্রা হয় এিং প্রেম,…

Case Study

3 lessons from Start Fund Bangladesh

In 2019, Start Fund Bangladesh opened up its membership to 26 local and national organisations enabling them to access direct funding and become involved in decision-making around funding and responses. As a direct result, 80% of all Start Fund…