This framework has identified 11 elements in which change needs to take place in order to transform Start Network into a locally-led network, supporting local humanitarian action. These 11 elements cut across political, structural, operational and cross-cutting issues.
Each element is underpinned by a summary statement of intent, which gives a general picture of the direction that Start Network believes it needs to move towards.
Decision Making: The network is locally led, with decisions about strategy, resource allocation and programmatic priorities driven by a majority local membership and ultimate accountability to communities affected by or at risk of crises
Voice and visibility:Voices and concerns of local and national members are prioritised and made most visible, with the Network using its positioning to support those members to have direct access to donors and advocacy opportunities
Leadership: Network decision making, programmes and initiatives are locally led, with local and national actors supported and resourced to take on leadership roles
Resources: Local and national members drive forward funding prioritization at local levels. All members have access to network funding on an equitable basis. Funding for local and national actors includes high quality and unrestricted core funding.
Compliance: The Network reframes its approach to risk and accountability, grounded in principles of trust, shared values, pooled risk and reducing barriers to entry for local and national members
Partnership: The Network and its membership operate on the basis of locally defined, equitable and principled partnerships led by local and national actors.
Accountability: The Network is accountable to communities affected by or at risk of crises, supported by continuous learning and iteration to better meet the needs and priorities of end-users
Design: Local and national actors lead the design of Network programmes, which adopt approaches that prioritise end-user involvement and feedback, value creation and careful iteration
Costs: The Network ensures that local and national actors’ financial and time costs associated with meeting the network’s compliance, bureaucratic and risk-related requirements are reduced and addressed.
Language: The Network values local culture, norms and ethics, and operates in locally appropriate languages using inclusive terminology and vocabulary
Ethics: The Network operates based on ethical and value-based decision making, taking action to address colonialism and racism within the network and the broader sector
There are two other important characteristics about this framework:
Adaptation and iteration
• Iteration will be necessary: We don’t yet know what the best form of a locally led network looks like hence this framework is intended to be adapted and iterated on as necessary.
• Hubs can adapt the tool: This framework should also be localised as such, it is open to hubs to further adapt based on how they feel is more useful in their context. Different parts of the network may develop their own versions so for example DRC V1.1 may be different from India V1.1 and from Platform V1.1 and will develop along separate pathways
• Core principles: Some principles may need to be collectively agreed across the network hence all adaptations to the framework should be open to peer review by other hubs. The network may collectively choose to designate some principles as core (unchangeable) across the network.
• Setting targets, monitoring and accountability When Hubs were consulted, they expressed a need for Start Network's commitments to locally led action to be measurable and tracked. To support that accountability, Start Network Platform teams have been asked to use this tool to set their commitments, sharing those with the SMT and potentially the Hubs and the wider Assembly.
• Tracking tool: A suggested format for a tracking tool to be used in design and implementation processes has been developed and tested by the Start Network Platform teams.