Start Network's vision for the future of humanitarian action

To prepare for the change needed in the future, the Start Network’s 42 members came together over the last six months, to co-create a vision for the network, called Start Evolves, based on experience gained over our first eight years. This proposal was unanimously endorsed by our membership in November 2017.

The Start Network proposes a humanitarian system in which funding will be predictable, dependable and based on need. Responses will be defined by the recipients, and early funding will reduce the impact of crises and the cost of response.

Our vision is based on the principles that:

- Power and capability are located as close to the front line as possible

- Financing is needs-driven, predictable and dependable

- Benefits are shared across the network at all levels

- And resources flow in a transparent and accountable way.

The Start Network has been working towards this vision since 2010. We have made significant progress but, like the wider humanitarian sector, we need to evolve. To bring about the change needed to humanitarian incentives and behaviours, we need to get better at what we do.

The process of designing the change needed has involved deep engagement from a wide range of stakeholders. This paper presents the beginnings of the future network that we have designed together – a structure that will help us realise our vision.