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Learning Materials

Working Differently Challenge Learning Brief

This learning brief looks at the key lessons from the inaugural round of Start Network’s Working Differently Challenge (WDC). It particularly explores lessons on how to support the collaboration of organisations to develop their emerging innovation…

Learning Materials

LEARN about Collective Innovation

Start Network’s first virtual Assembly meeting took take place from Monday 12 to Thursday 15 October 2020, alongside our 10-year anniversary celebrations. Watch the recordings of the sessions on Collaborative Innovation and access all the learning…


Support models for local humanitarian innovation

Humanitarian innovation has rapidly gained a central role within humanitarian policy and practice as a way of addressing intractable challenges. An increasing number of humanitarian organisations have established innovation initiatives (including…


Human-centred design and humanitarian innovation

The humanitarian sector is often criticised for being too top-down and for failing to meet the needs and priorities of crisis-affected people. ‘Innovation’ became a rallying cry for new initiatives, organisations and funding promises. Yet, three…