
Start Fund handbook

This handbook details the procedures which govern the use and allocation of the Start Fund


Start Network is a network of aid agencies across the world, working together to revolutionise the global humanitarian system.

Forecast based early action in flood prone Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, acting before a crisis is not a new idea. In this piece, Md Jafar Iqbal, Programme Manager - Emergency Response at CARE Bangladesh explores some of the barriers and opportunities around scaling early action in the country.

Affordable medicines for chronic conditions

Half of the 671,000 Syrian refugees living in Jordan have a family member with a chronic illness, such as diabetes or hypertension. And many are unable to access the medicine they need, because it is too expensive. Read how the Medicine Bank redirects close to end of shelf life medicines to pharmacies offering low-cost drugs to refugees in Jordan.

Open letter to the UK Prime Minister regarding the merger of DfID and FCO

More than 30 Start Network members have supported a letter to the UK Prime Minister, raising our concern over the decision to merge the Department for International Development and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office because of its potentially devastating consequences for humanitarian aid.