Start Network Staff

12 Months of Learning, Growth, and Innovation: My Journey with the Start Network Unity in Action Fellowship

A reflection by Albashir Adan Ibrahim of Organization for Sustainable Development Africa (OSDA) on the recent Hub Fellowship 2024


Time to read: 6 minutes

Area of work:

Reflecting on the transformative journey of the past year, I feel immense gratitude for the opportunity to participate in a 12-month fellowship sponsored and facilitated by the Start Network. This program provided an enriching experience that deepened my understanding of advocacy, partnership brokerage, communications, resource mobilization, and systems change and innovation. It has been an eye-opening and deeply rewarding journey, equipping me with the tools and networks necessary to foster meaningful, lasting change in the development and humanitarian sectors.

Advocacy: Raising Voices for Sustainable Change

One of the most impactful aspects of the fellowship was its emphasis on advocacy. I discovered that advocacy involves more than simply making noise; it requires shaping the narrative, influencing policy, and mobilizing stakeholders to take action. Throughout the program, I participated in training sessions that enhanced my ability to design effective advocacy strategies, identify key policy influencers, and craft impactful messages. As a result, I gained a deeper appreciation for how strategic advocacy can drive systemic change at local, regional, and global levels. The module covered various topics, including Introduction to Advocacy & Policy, Unpacking Power for Social Change, The Advocacy Cycle, and Developing an Advocacy Strategy.

Partnership Brokerage: Creating Collaborations That Matter

In today’s interconnected world, creating sustainable solutions requires collaboration, not isolation. The fellowship highlighted the importance of partnership brokerage, teaching me how to develop relationships that go beyond mere transactions. I learned the delicate art of uniting diverse groups—governments, NGOs, the private sector, academia, and communities—to work together toward shared goals. These partnerships are not just about pooling resources; they aim to create collective impact and lasting change. Start Network’s emphasis on collective action reinforced my belief in the power of partnerships to address complex humanitarian challenges.

The course included two sections: the Partnering Foundations Course and the Partnering Skills in Practice Course. The Foundations Course covered essential topics such as partnership concepts and frameworks, challenges and principles, partnership brokering and reflective practice, and critical success factors and agreements. The Skills Course addressed practical issues, including (re)connecting, setting the scene, managing differences, and experiencing partnership brokering in practice—Part I and Part II. It also focused on scoping, managing and maintaining partnerships, and collaborative decision-making group processes. What kind of broker am I?

Communications and Digital: The Power of Storytelling

Effective communication is a cornerstone of success in any initiative. Through this fellowship, I learned how to harness the power of storytelling to inspire action, engage stakeholders, and raise awareness about critical issues. Whether it was crafting compelling narratives, delivering impactful presentations, or engaging with media outlets, the program provided invaluable tools to ensure that our messages resonate with various audiences. It highlighted that communication must be clear, inclusive, and strategic to build trust and foster collective support.

The key themes discussed during the fellowship were: Communications at Start Network, Hub Communications Strategy, Digital Transformation, Content Gathering, Engaging with Media and Crisis Management.

Resource Mobilization: Securing Sustainable Solutions

The ability to secure resources—financial, human, or technical—is crucial for the sustainability of any initiative. This fellowship has broadened my understanding of innovative approaches to resource mobilization, ranging from traditional fundraising methods to more dynamic strategies such as impact investing and social enterprise models. I have developed practical skills in identifying funding opportunities, engaging donors, and designing strategies to ensure the long-term sustainability of development and humanitarian programs. Some of the key highlights included: "Why Fundraising is Vital," "Exploring Your Hub's Strengths and Identifying Strategies for Resource Mobilization," and "Telling My Story to Different Audiences," with particular emphasis on speaking the language of my donors and aligning their priorities with mine—an essential aspect of the training that is currently assisting me in fundraising for my hub.

A particularly fundamental section was "Engaging Your Donor in a Unique Way." This segment emphasized the importance of understanding our donors and offering solutions that directly address their needs, priorities, and requirements. Key questions included: What is important to our donors? What do they need? What do they want? How do our donors perceive their role in this field, and what aspirations do they hold? How can we assist them in achieving those aspirations? How will our proposal benefit them? If I were the donor, what aspects of the Hub would be appealing to me? It is essential to demonstrate to donors how we can be valuable partners.

Ultimately, the critical question remains: "Why should you fund our Hub instead of others?"
These thought-provoking questions have significantly enhanced my perspective on fundraising.

System Change and Innovation: Reimagining the Future

In a rapidly changing world, the traditional ways of doing things are no longer enough. This program challenged me to think about how to fundamentally reimagine the systems and structures that underpin humanitarian and development work. I was exposed to cutting-edge ideas and models for innovation, learning how to design solutions that not only address immediate needs but also contribute to long-term, structural change. By engaging with thought leaders and practical case studies, I realized the power of innovation in tackling root causes and creating more resilient systems.

The course explored what we mean by systems change and innovation and what value these methods can bring to our Hub's work. It also helped me in understanding of innovation and systems change and how it applies to the humanitarian sector and our work and identify when innovation and systems change methods and tools may be helpful and add value to what we do and practically think of how to apply these methods and approaches to your work and programmes.

The course had four components; Disruption and uncertainty in the humanitarian sector and the role of innovation and change, Innovation methods: design thinking and human-centered design, understanding systems: systems thinking and how it is different from the usual ways we try to solve problems and System change and innovation: Bringing innovation and systems change together to offer an enquiry-led approach to change.

Peer-to-peer learning 

Peer to peer exchange was central to the fellowship. The fellowship brought together very experienced peers from Guatemala, India, Pakistan, DRC, and Somalia. We regularly engaged in group discussions, knowledge-sharing sessions, and collaborative projects. This approach allowed us to learn from one another’s experiences and leverage the diverse expertise within the cohort. It also fostered a spirit of co-creation, where we developed solutions together and provided feedback on each other’s ideas and initiatives. Peer learning enhanced our understanding of different regional contexts and provided us with alternative viewpoints on similar challenges.

A Look Ahead: Applying These Lessons for Greater Impact

As I conclude this fellowship, I am energized by the knowledge and experiences I have gained. The program has provided me with a robust set of skills and a strong network of like-minded professionals who are passionate about creating a better world. I look forward to applying these insights in my future work, using advocacy, partnership brokerage, communication, resource mobilization, and system change to drive impactful and sustainable development.

I am deeply grateful to Start Network for facilitating this journey and providing me with a platform to grow as a leader and changemaker. This fellowship was more than just an educational experience—it was a journey of personal and professional transformation, and I am excited to continue contributing to building more resilient and innovative systems for the future.

This fellowship has prepared me for the challenges ahead and empowered me to be a more effective advocate for change. I am eager to take these lessons forward and continue working towards a more just, equitable, and resilient world.