
Alert CV19 098: Reponse a la COVID-19 en Republique du Congo

Depuis juillet 2020, la partie Nord de la République du Congo était sous l’emprise de grandes inondations provoquées par des pluies diluviennes qui s’étaient abattues dans cette zone. Jusqu’au mois de Novembre 2020, on enregistrait près de 83’000 personnes vivant dans six districts du Département de la Likouala (nord) qui étaient concernées. Au fil du temps, d’autres districts situés le long du fleuve Congo et de l’Oubangui étaient les prochaines victimes de cette catastrophe.

Sensibilisation au COVID-19 en Republique Democratique du Congo

En juillet 2020,MIDEFEHOPS (Mouvement international pour les droits des enfants, des femmes et des veufs et leur promotion sociale) était l'un des huit membres nationaux et locaux sélectionnés pour participer à un fonds Covid-19 dédié, avec des réponses en RDC, en Inde et au Pakistan. À la suite de l'examen des propositions par des comités de sélection de projets composés de membres locaux, les agences ont reçu 30 000 £ pour répondre à Covid-19 dans leur zone cible. MIDEFEHOPS a utilisé ce financement pour distribuer des masques de protection et du matériel d'hygiène aux groupes vulnérables à Bunagana zone de santé de Rwanguba, RDC, ainsi que du matériel IEC (Information, Education et Communication), sous forme de dépliants et d'affiches, pour transmettre des messages comportementaux sur la façon de se protéger contre Covid- 19.

Consulting the community on how to respond to COVID-19 in India

With funding from Start Network, Caritas India supported 500 vulnerable households in Odisha, India during the global pandemic and in the aftermath of Cyclone Amphan. Start Network conducted an independent monitoring evaluation of Caritas India’s response, collecting data in the form of 120 short-form interviews and five in-depth interviews with targeted households.

Raising awareness of COVID-19 in Pakistan

In August 2020, Bright Star Development Society Balochistan (BSDSB) was awarded £30,000 to respond to COVID-19 in Pakistan. In addition to reaching 500 vulnerable families with food and hygiene packages, they also invested in a behaviour messaging campaign that involved displaying banners and distributing posters, leaflets, and stickers amongst the communities and in key public locations.

Start Fund COVID-19 Launches New Call for Alerts with £2.6m

A new call for alerts has now been launched with approximately £2.6 million from the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO). The goal for this call for alerts is to support members to act rapidly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in their country; to address neglected/underfunded aspects of the broader COVID-19 crisis with a focus on neglected communities/geographies; and mitigation through community-based responses.

COVID-19: How HELP Foundation assisted those most vulnerable in Pakistan

HELP Foundation became a member of Start Network in June, and was recently awarded funds to respond to the COVID-19 crisis in their local area of Pakistan through the support of Avaaz and a private donor. In addition to awareness raising, HELP Foundation distributed food and hygiene packages to vulnerable families.

Strengthening COVID-19 response in Libya

To help the Libyan health system fight COVID-19, International Medical Corps began to adjust the Libyan health system to the disease in March, before the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed. Thanks to  support from Start Fund COVID-19, they have strengthened the capacity of health facilities in Misrata, Sabha, and Tripoli so that these facilities can better cope and respond to the COVID-19 emergency.

Alert CV19 062: Older people at risk in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The government struggled to slow the spread of the virus during the first phase of the lockdown and introduced a curfew for older citizens because they are at higher risk. It mandated that people 65 years of age and older should not leave their homes, even to purchase basic groceries. Due to this restriction, older people living alone were met with a difficult situation.

Eight national and local members funded for COVID-19 response

As part of Start Network’s commitment to supporting local actors, eight national and local members have so far been selected to participate in a fund for COVID-19 response. This fund will allow these organisations to access funding of up to £30,000 to respond to COVID-19 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, India and Pakistan.

Crisis dentro de una crisis: Satisfacer las necesidades de los migrantes y refugiados Venezolanos durante la pandemia del Covid-19

Solidarités International y Première Urgence Internationale están ayudando a mitigar los riesgos urgentes que enfrentan los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos en el norte y a lo largo de Santander, Colombia, debido a la crisis de COVID-19. La crisis está afectando particularmente la salud, la higiene y la seguridad alimentaria de esta población. A través del apoyo del Start Fund COVID-19, las dos ONGI y sus socios locales Fundación Entre Dos Tierras y Red Humanitaria, están uniendo fuerzas para satisfacer las necesidades críticas de alimentación e higiene de esta población vulnerable.