New Start Ready Disaster Risk Financing Course

Start Network has launched Intro to Disaster Risk Financing, a new online course for our members and their local partners. This course will build your understanding of Start Ready's proactive Disaster Risk Financing (DRF) approach.


Time to read: 2 minutes

Area of work:

Start Network has launched Intro to Disaster Risk Financing, a new online course for our members and their local partners.

This course will build your understanding of Start Ready's proactive Disaster Risk Financing (DRF) approach. Start Ready provides prepositioned funding at scale for predictable crises, using innovative risk analysis, collective planning, and scientific modeling.


Is this course for me?

This course is for Start Network members and their local partners as well as other relevant stakeholders in academic, scientific, and disaster management sectors. It is self-guided and self-paced.


How will I benefit from this course?

On completion of this course, you will grow your knowledge on:


How long will it take?

The course takes approximately 2 hours, and it is divided into 3 Units

We recommend that you first complete Start Network’s other course on, Crisis Anticipation and Action, hosted via Kaya Connect here. It will take you through our anticipation cycle and crisis anticipation process so that your organisation can participate in Start Network’s anticipatory action initiatives.


How much does it cost?

This course is free! Start Network is committed to upskilling the capacities of its members and their local partners to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing. We are therefore invested in sharing as many beneficial opportunities as possible both within Start Network and externally.


Will I get a certificate at the end?

Yes, you will gain a certificate once you have completed all 3 Units and the post-course quiz. There is an 80% grade requirement to pass the course. However, this shouldn’t worry you because the post-course quiz can be retaken up to three times.

You will also be granted the opportunity to download a digital badge. A digital badge is like a certificate but differs slightly in that it can be stored, displayed, and shared online. You can create a portfolio of badges on HPass, a platform dedicated to recognising humanitarians' skills and experience. Find out more about HPass here.

If you have any questions about this course, please email




Learn what other Start Ready training we have on offer here.




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