Start Fund Alert Note
The Start Fund provides rapid financing to underfunded small to medium-scale crises, spikes in chronic humanitarian crises, and to act in anticipation of impending crises, filling a critical gap in humanitarian financing.
The Start Fund provides rapid financing to underfunded small to medium-scale crises, spikes in chronic humanitarian crises, and to act in anticipation of impending crises, filling a critical gap in humanitarian financing.
The Start Fund provides rapid financing to underfunded small to medium-scale crises, spikes in chronic humanitarian crises, and to act in anticipation of impending crises, filling a critical gap in humanitarian financing.
This note should concisely provide an overview of the crisis, highlight the needs of the affected people, and explain the appropriateness of the Start Fund to respond. The alert note is a means of providing information to the Start Network to enable decision-making. It is important to understand the predicted impact and the kind of anticipation actions that can be taken to mitigate this impact.
Tout au long des six années au cours desquelles le Start Fund a déboursé des fonds dans des contextes sous-financés, il est resté au cœur de la vision et de l’ensemble de l’action du Start Network. Alors que le financement humanitaire continue de se diversifier, le Start Fund demeure un outil pertinent, non seulement en fournissant des fonds lorsque d’autresoptions sontépuisées, mais aussi en réunissant les différents volets de la programmation au sens large du Start Network. Pour de nombreuses organisations, le Start Fund offre la première opportunitéd’accéder auréseau dans son ensemble.
Durante los seis años en que Start Fund ha estado desembolsando fondos en contextos subfinanciados, ha seguido siendo la piedra angular de la visión y la labor general de StartNetwork. A medida que la financiación de la acción humanitaria continúa diversificándose, Start Fund sigue siendo una herramienta relevante,ya que no solo provee financiamiento cuando se han agotado las demás opciones, sino que además conecta las distintas áreas de los programas de StartNetwork. Para muchas organizaciones, StartFund es laprimera oportunidad de interactuar de manera más amplia con la red.
The northeastern part of Bangladesh has been devastated by a torrential flash flooding due to heavy rainfall in the upper streams of Surma, Kushiyara and other rivers of the Brahmanputra basin that linked to the northeastern part of the country.
La subvention de partage des connaissances et des idées sous leadership local (SKILL) offre aux membres locaux l’occasion de diriger leurs propres projets d’apprentissage par les pairs. La subvention a été conçue pour être dirigée localement, avec le moins de procédures de demande et de rapports possible, et avec une flexibilité dans la conception et la mise en œuvre. Huit membres locaux (qui ont terminé tiered Due Diligence avec Start Network) utilisent des subventions SKILL depuis la fin de 2021. La subvention est actuellement en phase pilote. Download in English
The Sharing Knowledge and Ideas under Local Leadership Grant provides local members with an opportunity to lead their own peer learning projects. The grant was designed to be locally led, with as few application and reporting procedures as possible, and with flexibility in design and implementation. Eight local members (that have completed tiered due diligence with Start Network) have been utilising the grant since the end of 2021. The grant is currently in the pilot phase. Download in French
Start Network has launched its new online course for our members and local partners within the series of courses on Start Ready Disaster Risk Financing system. This new course named Contingency Plan in Start Ready DRF is hosted via Kaya Connect and covers the first pillar of the Disaster Risk Financing-DRF approach.